Hello Jekyll!

by on under jekyll
1 minute read

Hey everyone!

I’ve decided that I should take up blogging to document the things I learn as a programmer. So this is another developer’s blog. I’m hoping by maintaining this blog, it would help maintain my motivation to learn, and hopefully contribute to open source projects.

I’ve made a GitHub pages site before, but I didn’t really do much with it. It was mostly to learn about web development and Jekyll. So I would say it served its purpose. Plus, I like working with Jekyll. It gives you just enough to make web development eaiser without abstracting the process too much. Maybe I’ll change the theme in the future, but for now using the default Minima theme is fine.

Lastly, I should probably update some of my social media. I should start off by changing the default profile picture GitHub provides:

GitHub Profile

I’ve also changed my GitHub user name to [], which resulted in me having to fix a lot of local git settings, (Mostly just updating the remote origin for my local projects). It also removed my old GitHub site, since the username doesn’t match. That and looking at code from my past newbie web developer self has lead me to wanting to create a new site. Maybe I should actually start using my Twitter account. Currently my profile picture is a banana dog..

Banana Dog


On second thought, I might keep it that way.

Anyway, that’s enough content for the first blog post. I have quite a few projects I would like to finish which includes an Android app, a game, a web app, and this blog. Hopefully documenting the process of each of these projects will motivate me to complete them!

Wish me luck! :)

- jerryq27

blog, developer's, first, post